PHOENIX (RPT) – The recent COVID19 outbreak has forced top institutions like Harvard and Yale to cancel in-person classes, copying the online course design originally developed by the for-profit University of Phoenix. Receiving a degree from the University of Phoenix was previously considered to be an indication that one was either an ex-con or just accidentally clicked on the wrong Facebook ad, but the prestige of the institution has grown considerably amid Ivy League schools moving to online education.
RPT spoke with the director of human resources at a top financial management company to discuss whether the shift to online courses will affect the hirability of Ivy League graduates. “We aren’t even looking at Ivy League grads anymore,” she stated. “We used to put up with all of their baggage and whining: ‘legacy this, daddy that, is cocaine comped?’ just because their degrees looked good to investors.” She continued, “Now we focus on University of Phoenix grads: typically a little older, have some life experience. Plus, why would I pay an Ivy Leaguer 300K to start when I can pay someone with the same kind of degree minimum wage?”